About the Charleston Weightlifting Club

Sept 30/Oct 1: Snatch Clinic

Join the Charleston Weightlifting Club

The Charleston Weightlifting Club is an informal group that shares a passion for olympic style weightlifting. Our home gym is Big Work Fitness in downtown Charleston, SC.

There are no fees or dues to be in the club -- you simply have to be a member at Big Work and let us know you're interested in getting involved with the weightlifting crowd.

The purpose of this club is to connect weightlifters with each other. That can lead to finding a good lifting partner, connect you with people who can give you help and advice, or finding people who want to train for a competition together.

Our hope is that, by creating a group of weightlifters with a focus in improvement, we can grow the USA Weightlifting community in Charleston, help people grow in their passion for weightlifting, and field a competitive team at higher levels of competition.

USA Weightlifting Coach in Charleston SC If you're an Olympic style weightlifting enthusiast looking for a home in Charleston, you've come to the right place. Join the Big Work gym if you haven't, and let's get lifting together.

Austin McCubbin, Level 2 USA Weightlifting Coach in Charleston, SC
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